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Psychosocial Hazards Risk Assessment Tool
Psychosocial Hazards Risk Assessment Tool
Psychosocial Hazards Risk Assessment
Psychosocial Hazards Risk Assessment Tool
Psychosocial Hazards Risk Assessment Tool

Psychosocial Hazards Risk Evaluation

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A growing list of countries are advocating - and in some cases such as Australia, regulating—for workplaces to measure and minimise the psychosocial (mental and social) hazards related to people’s work. But what data do you need to gather, and how can you turn these insights into practical actions your workplace and leaders can take that protect the mental health and wellbeing of your workers?

The Psychosocial Hazards Risk Assessment Tool has been designed to help you identify the frequency, wellbeing impact, and duration of hazards related to:

  • Work Design - A lack of role clarity, unachievable job demands, low job control, inadequate reward and recognition.
  • Social Support - A lack of supervisor support, poor workplace relationships, bullying, harassment.
  • Work Experiences - Poor change management, poor physical environment, isolated and remote work.
  • Work conditions - Poor organizational justice, violent and aggressive behaviors, traumatic events.

The assessment also includes measures of the frequency and effectiveness of the support your leaders are providing for their teams for each hazard, and the levels of psychological safety at the individual (“Me”), leader and team (“We”), and workplace (“Us”). 

Take the stand-alone evaluation HERE.


$AUD399.00 - $AUD1,297.00

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