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Culture Of CARE Assessment Tool
Culture Of CARE Assessment Tool
Culture Of Care Assessment
Culture Of CARE Assessment Tool
Culture Of CARE Assessment Tool

Culture Of Safety And Care Evaluation

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While safety is a business requirement, care is a business imperative. Organisations that are perceived by their people as “safe and caring”, report the highest levels of wellbeing, psychological safety, and performance. They also report the lowest frequencies of psychosocial risks, particularly for “unachievable job demands” and “inadequate reward and recognition.” But how can you measure perception of safety and care in your culture?

The Culture of Safety and Care Evaluation Tool has been designed to help you identify:

  • State Of Safety - Understand your people’s perception of workplace safety with this simple but powerful snapshot that shows you the levels of safety and care across your teams and workplace.
  • CARE Culture Score - Understand the strengths of current individual (“Me”), leader and team (“We”), and workplace (“Us”) actions to express Compassion, show Appreciation, encourage Responsibility, and demonstrate Emotional wisdom, and assess the potential risks or gaps that need to be addressed.
$AUD699.00 - $AUD1,297.00

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