Marketplace Foundry
PERMAH Tool Certification Program
PERMAH Tool Certification Program
PERMAH Tool Certification Program

PERMAH Tool Certification Program


For those who want to obtain their PERMAH Tool Certification, there is one additional step, after you've completed The PERMAH Tool Master Training.

Undertaking the Certification enables you to use The PERMAH Tool Certified logo and promote that you are Certified to conduct PERMAH Tool Organisational Insights Coaching.

Certification requires successful completion of a final assessment - using two real-life case studies (PERMAH Tool data and Insight reports), successfully deliver two high impact 45 min PERMAH Tool Organisational Insights Coaching sessions with our assessor.

Whether or not you choose to complete your assessment sessions together (in one sitting) or not, and the time/date of your assessment will be up to you to to decide, in negotiation with your assessor.

$AUD1,297.00 $AUD1,497.00

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